

Perception of Threat: A Misconstrued Reality.

  • By Ian Bradley
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What have we learned since the H1N1 scare took hold over the last several months? Now that the incidence rate of the disease is steadily decreasing, looking back it seems that our collective fears outweighed the extant danger. I think that there is an important message here, namely, that we as individuals or as a

Whatever Happens Is Good

  • By Ian Bradley
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public health ofïicials face a no-win situation with respect to future disease threats: any level of concern may seem unduly alarmist if an epidemic does not occur, but no level of preparation will be considered sufficient if an epidemic does occur. Brown and Barrett, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2008 Brown and Barrett’s quote highlights

The Working Environment

  • By Ian Bradley
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Hand Hygiene Compliance: The Workplace Environment We continue our posts regarding the psychological aspects of the H1N1 flu by examining environmental aspects that can facilitate one of the best preventive measures – hand-washing. #1 Easy Access; If it’s there, it’s used. If companies want their employees to wash their hands more frequently, then they should

Hand Washing 101.

  • By Ian Bradley
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We all know that we should do it, our mothers told us to do it and now, our employers are telling us to: Wash Our Hands Thanks to a study by Grayson et al published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 48:28-91, we have scientific proof that washing your hands with soap and water is

Psychological Aspects of H1N1: introduction

  • By Ian Bradley
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Welcome to my series concerning psychological issues related to H1N1 in the workplace. The series is aimed at Human Resource or Occupational Medicine Departments that are now faced with developing policies and procedures to support their organizations as we head into the second wave of the H1N1 influenza. H1N1 is a medical problem, but it’s

Executive & Sports Coaching: unsettling parallels

  • By Ian Bradley
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I finally had enough hitting erratic backhands. Opponents were deliberately targeting my tennis backhand, and for good reason as the ball would either fly-off my too-open racquet, or alternatively, plummet into the net. In a last desperate effort before turning to racquet-ball, I engaged our club pro who coaches, not executives as I do, but

Employee Recognition and Reward (ERR) Programs: the solution

  • By Ian Bradley
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Here’s a follow-up to the previous post about employee recognition. Guideline #1 Form a Steering Committee Strike a small committee, comprising peer-nominated shop floor employees and managers, with the mandate of designing and promoting the employee reward and recognition program or ERR program. Once created, the committee would bear the continuing management responsibility for the

Employee Recognition and Reward (ERR) Programs: the problem

  • By Ian Bradley
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As a professor who teaches an undergraduate course in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy or CBT, I have many students who outright dismiss many of the “B” or behavioural aspects of CBT.   Nowhere is this more event than when I talk about positive reinforcement and its role in performance management. To these students, anything associated with

Workplace Disability: a quantum shift

  • By Ian Bradley
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Let me tell you about a very strange transition that I see in my executive coaching practice. Fortunately, it happens infrequently, but when it occurs, I’m always amazed at how the rules of game shift – I think for the worse. Here’s a typical narrative involving someone that I might be seeing. An employee, invariably

Prediction: face the facts

  • By Ian Bradley
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In my executive coaching practice in Montreal, many of the business issues that I discuss with my clients concern prediction. These prediction problems are rarely conceptualized as such, instead they are couched in jargon of the particular business using words such as “forecasting,” “planning” or “analysis”. However, the underlying psychological process is prediction. For example,