- 09Oct2012
Working with “insurance” is stressful
- By Ian Bradley
“I’ll just run this by my boss” was a phrase that I heard all to frequently from my client who came to see about work-related stress. Laura, a young woman in her first major corporate job, worked for a boss who micro-managed. The boss, who did not like surprises, insisted upon being appraised about each
- 17Sep2012
Stress Leave: current problems and possible solutions
- By Ian Bradley
Regular readers of my blog know that I have many criticisms about our current approach to workplace disability caused by stress. The problem is enormous and costly. Recent surveys in Canada reveal that approximately a quarter of the current workforce is either “quite” or “extremely” stressed. The majority of that stress is related to work.
- 06Oct2011
Never at Home!
- By Ian Bradley
This title refers to the silent motto of many of my executive coaching clients who refuse to talk at home about work, especially work problems. Oft cited reasons include: I don’t want to burden my wife He’d never understand anyway. I’d be seen as whining It’s too complicated to explain. Of course, there is a