

Prediction: face the facts

  • By Ian Bradley
  • 3 Tags
In my executive coaching practice in Montreal, many of the business issues that I discuss with my clients concern prediction. These prediction problems are rarely conceptualized as such, instead they are couched in jargon of the particular business using words such as “forecasting,” “planning” or “analysis”. However, the underlying psychological process is prediction. For example,

Problem-solving: my view on coaching

  • By Ian Bradley
  • 3 Tags
A friend recently asked me about my practice in executive coaching. He was curious about what the major mental health problems the executives that I see in my practice face. He had in mind the typical collection of diagnostic entities such as depression, anxiety, or perhaps more behavioural deficits, such as, perfectionism or excessive self-criticism.

Life can be lonely at the top

  • By Ian Bradley
  • 2 Tags
Executive coach as a confidant Nowadays it seems that everyone has a coach- a life coach, an exercise coach even a financial coach. In my case, as an executive coach who is also a clinical psychologist, I have the advantage of being able to draw upon a vast array of psychological knowledge and techniques to