- 19Apr2010
Part III Business Blunders; how to handle them
- By Ian Bradley
In my last two posts, I shared my view on how CEO’s and managers discuss mistakes in their executive coaching sessions with me. I pointed out how much the discussions focused on the emotional consequences of the mistake and not the underlying cognitive process. This got me thinking about how my professional of psychology handles
- 31Mar2010
Mistakes: do we learn from them? Part II
- By Ian Bradley
In my previous post, I shared my view on how CEO’s and managers discuss mistakes in their executive coaching sessions with me. I pointed out how much the discussions focused on the emotional consequences of the mistake and not the underlying cognitive process. I offered that my own profession of clinical psychology didn’t do a
- 22Mar2010
Mistakes; do we learn from them? Part I
- By Ian Bradley
We all make mistakes. Lawyers sometimes accept cases that they know they shouldn’t; teachers get into battles with kids that are unwinnable; and executives fail to consider all the variables in their strategic planning analysis. The question is; do we learn from our mistakes. Regrettably, our current culture stresses apology over analysis. In my practice