- 07Sep2014
McGill Psychology 408 Syllabus 2014
- By Ian Bradley
Course Outline Principles of CBTFall 2014 Psych 408
Dr Ian Bradley (ian.bradley@mcgill.ca)
Time and Location:
FridaysLeacock 1098:30 – 11:30
Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice
by William T. O’Donohue (Editor), Jane E. Fisher (Editor)
July 2012, Hardcover (E-book also available)
My goal is to introduce the student to the basic principles and techniques of CBT. Since one prominent branding feature of CBT is it’s empirical basis, I have selected a textbook that stresses the research base and therapeutic efficacy of the interventions and their underlying principles. Although the text focuses on the clinical use of CBT, I will also stress its application to the world of sports and work since I would imagine that not everyone will become a clinical psychologist but everyone will ultimately work.
In an effort to make the course more involving and educational, after completing an intensive boot-camp introduction, we will have a series of CBT exercises many of which will involve client-therapist simulations.
Prerequisites: (PSYC 337 and PSYC 211)
Only under rare circumstances ( eg equivalent courses taken at another university) will a student be allowed to register without these courses.
Class schedule
Hour 1
Hour 2
Hour 3
Sept 5
Application of CBT to sports
-Course outline
-Review of textbook
-Group formation
Chapter 1
Core Principles
Sept 12
Chapter 2
Functional Analysis
Case Conceptualization
Chapter 3
Skills Training
-learning principles
-chronic mental pts
Sept 19
Chapter 4
Exposure Therapy
-panic disorder
Chapter 5 Relaxation
Chapter 6 Cognitive restructuring
Sept 26
Chapter 7
Problem Solving
Grp 1 ABC’s fear
Grp 2 ABC’s in OCD
Grp 3 ABC’s depression
Grp 7
Grp 8
Grp 9
Oct 3
Chapter 8
Self Regulation
Grp 4 ABA autism speech
Grp 5 Skill deficiency -parenting
Grp 6 Skill building chronic pt
Grp 10
Grp 11
Grp 12
Oct 10
Chapter 9
Behavioral Activation
Grp 1 Diaphragmatic breathing
Grp 2 PMR – 2 muscles grp
Grp 3 PMR – coping technique
Grp 7
Grp 8
Grp 9
Oct 17
Chapter 10
Social Skills Training
Grp 4 Exposure preparation in PD
Grp 5 Actual exposure in agora.
Grp 6 Actual exposure in OCD
Grp 10
Grp 11
Grp 12
Oct 24
Mid- term
Change groups
Oct 31
Chapter 11
Emotional regulation
Grp 1 Problem-solving experts
Grp 2 SMART in work
Grp 3 Goal setting in I/O
Grp 7
Grp 8
Grp 9
Nov 7
Chapter 12
Grp 4 SST, teenagers
Grp 5 SST, alcohol abuse
Grp 6 SST, shyness
Grp 10
Grp 11
Grp 12
Nov 14
Chapter 13
Positive Psychology
Grp 1 Behavioural activation for students
Grp 2 Cognitive errors students
Grp 3 Couple therapy, money
Grp 7
Grp 8
Grp 9
Nov 21
Chapter 14
Grp 4 Couple therapy, sex
Grp 5 Careers, Clifton
Grp 6 Changing High School +ve psychology
Grp 10
Grp 11
Grp 12
Nov 28
Additional presentation time
If required
Group Assignments Details:
ARC’s fear
ARC’s in OCD
ARC’s depression
These presentations involve the intimate connection between antecedent events, “A’s”, the three domains of the response, “R” ( behavioural, cognitive and affective/physiological) and the resultant consequences that usually serve to maintain the problem behaviour.
In each task, the team will present a verbal description of a realistic case in one of the three indicated diagnostic areas. Although a brief demographic and situational contextual sketch will be given, the main emphasis will be on the A,R and C elements. A schematic diagram will be presented to illustrate the interaction among the variables. Finally, other relevant variables will be drawn into the conceptualization.
ABA autism speech
Skill deficiency -parenting
Skill building chronic pt
These presentations all involve treatment, specifically, skill-building using learning-based rather than cognitive interventions. Each of the three target behaviours have seminal authors whose works should be examine; Lovass in autism; Patterson in parenting and Paul/Lentz in token economy programs for chronic mental patients.
Start each presentation with a very brief case description either verbally delivered or shown from Youtube. The, focus on how a learning-based treatment (chapter 3) can be applied. Describe and illustrate some of the points in a simulated client –therapist interaction.
Diaphragmatic breathing
PMR – 2 muscles grp
PMR – coping technique
This series of presentation address two types of relaxation; diaphragmatic breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.
With each, create an appropriate GAD case and then explain the rationale of the technique in a simulated client-therapist interaction. The first PMR simulation will simply teach the client to relax two major muscle groups,. The second simulation will assume that the client has been taught to relax the 16 major muscle groups leaving the focus on how to consolidate the technique and utilize it in a real world coping situation.
Exposure preparation in agora.
Actual exposure in agora.
Actual exposure and response prevention in OCD
In-vivo exposure is the theme for these client-therapist simulations. The first focus upon preparing the agoraphobic client for in-vivo exposure. The second involves actual exposure while the third switches targeted problems to OCD where a compulsive hand washer will be exposed to dirt in a simulation that discourages the compulsive hand washing. (exposure and response prevention, ERP)
Problem-solving experts
SMART in work
Goal setting in I/O
The chapter on problem-solving outlines the method CBT therapists use to teach clients an effective strategy to solve social problems. The method involves defining the problem, generating alternatives, weighing pro’s and con’s of each alternative etc. However, experts in various fields from architects to medical diagnosticians (eg; Dr House) probably don’t use this method. Find examples to make this point.
Define SMART as a method to set goals and apply to you challenges faced by people of your cohort.
Summarize the major findings about goal-setting in I/O psychology and apply the findings to clinical psychology.
SST, teenagers
SST, alcohol abuse
SST, shyness
Social Skills Training, SST, utilizes core ingredients of role-playing, modeling and coaching after behavioural rehearsal. Simulate a snippet of the events of a SST group using these methods addressing the indicated targeted problem.
Problem-solving for students
Cognitive errors students
Couple therapy, PS, money
How can the principles of behavioural activation be applied to ameliorate poor study and work habits in a simulated case of a failing McGill undergraduate student?
Beck and Ellis focused on changing so-called cognitive errors. Adapt their list of errors to an undergraduate student population; state/demonstrate/show the error and its remediation.
CBT therapy for couples attempts to identify and then remediate poor style of communication. Demonstrate this in a simulation with a dysfunctional couple interaction involving money.
Couple therapy, PS, sex
Careers, Clifton
Changing HS, +ve psychology
Do the same couple demonstration involving sex.
Clifton has written a fable about animal strengths. How could it be applied to schools and career-placement settings?
Use the principles of positive psychology to change your high school.
General notes about the presentations:
One of the advantageous of the current manualized approach to CBT is that most of the techniques can now be delivered by talented young people like you. Therefore, let’s have fun and do just that.
We will form groups with an upper limit of 4 students each. The twelve groups will be divided into two sections; groups 1 to 6 presenting in the second hour of class, and groups 7 to 12 presenting in the third hour. The groups will be reconfigured after the mid-term exam.
We will have three presentations per hour therefore plan to have deliverable content for at least 10 minutes allowing 5 minutes for questions that I will pose. Be creative in your presentation using A-V material when required. However, since time is precious, ensure that your group sticks to the issue.
I have several tips about group functioning in this context. Firstly, groups that laugh a lot during their preparation periods tend to produce good work. Secondly, groups members laugh more when they are not stressed about work distribution, ie everyone is working hard. However, equal work does not mean that everyone does the same thing. Ensure that individual talents are fully exploited. Finally, develop leadership in your group since the timeline is short.
Please note that some of the assignment exercises might change due to student interest or feedback.
Group Assignment Evaluation:
Each individual will receive the group mark. Group marks are based on the following scale:
Expected level of a McGill undergraduate presentation2 points
Wow level of performance equivalent to doctoral student2.5 points
Missing the mark1.0 points
Overall Evaluation:
Since I would like to have as much discussion and interaction as possible during our relatively few meetings, there will be an attendance sheet. Missing a substantial part of more than 2 classes reduces the ceiling by 50%, missing 3 to 4 classes by 80%. If you miss five classes, there is no mark for attendance.
Midterm exam(20%)
The material for the mid and final exams will be taken from the textbook and class lectures/ presentations. The mid-term will be restricted to short-answer format questions.
Group Projects, four in number(30%)
Students will also be assigned to a project group to practice the application of the principles and techniques discussed in class.
Final Exam(40%)
The format will be a mixture of short and longer essay questions covering material from the entire course.
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES (see www.mcgill.ca/integrity for more information).
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