- 09Feb2022
Training psychologists: are we selecting the best?
- By Ian Bradley
It’s letter-writing season for a lot of university professors. Although actual letter-writing seems like an all but forgotten activity in this email universe, writing letters of reference for undergraduates aspiring to enter doctoral programs. In my field of clinical psychology, is serious business from December until March. I acquiesce to most requests but with a
- 10Jul2019
What College Preparation? A case of praxis deficiency
- By admin
I never considered my academic training to be a failure, in fact, I quite enjoyed my doctoral training in clinical psychology at a rather prestigious Canadian university. Therefore, I was somewhat taken aback when my advisers’ references were relayed to prospective employers with a “so sad that he didn’t make it into academia” tone.
- 26Aug2018
Outline Psychology 491 D
- By Ian Bradley
Psychology 491D: ADVANCED STUDY IN BEHAVIOURAL DISORDERS COURSE SYLLABUS: 2018-2019 8/21/2018 Professor: Dr. Ian Bradley www.ianfbradley.com Psychology of Work E-mail: ian.bradley@mcgill.ca Class Time: Wednesdays 1-4 pm Classroom: MC room