

The case of the disappearing problem in workplace disability

  • By Ian Bradley
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When people first experience workplace problems of a psychological nature, they say something like: “My boss is impossible, he never recognizes my efforts.” or “I can’t see how I’m ever going to finish everything my boss assigned.” Whether the problem involves poor communication, lack of employee recognition or some perceived injustice, the issue is clear

Insurance against stress; it might be too costly

  • By Ian Bradley
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I’ll just run this by my boss” was a phrase that I heard all too frequently from my client who came to see me about work-related stress. Laura, a young woman in her first major corporate job, worked for a boss who micro-managed. The boss, who did not like surprises, insisted upon being appraised about

Medical Leaves and Mustard Plasters (con’t)

  • By Ian Bradley
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In my previous post, I made the point that although the family physician provides the official “time-off-work-for stress” letter, the principal decision-maker is the patient. I argued that most workers under stress debate the pro’s and con’s of setting the medical leave in motion very much like we all did as children when awakening with

Medical Leaves and Muster Plasters

  • By Ian Bradley
  • 1 Tags
It’s 7 am on a rainy February day in the middle of week when I’m 10 years old and just waking up with a detectable, and if amplified, quite apparent scratchy throat.   As a university professor with a private practice in workplace psychology, that specific day is very much in the past. However, I

A busy day: two scenarios

  • By Ian Bradley
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Many of the executives that I see in my Montreal practice for executive coaching talk about their hectic days.  As I listen to their stories, I am quietly asking myself a key question: Are they in some measure able to control the stream of tasks, or is the onslaught occurring without a filtration or buffering

Working with “insurance” is stressful

  • By Ian Bradley
  • 2 Tags
“I’ll just run this by my boss” was a phrase that I heard all to frequently from my client who came to see about work-related stress.  Laura, a young woman in her first major corporate job, worked for a boss who micro-managed.   The boss, who did not like surprises, insisted upon being appraised about each

Stress Leave (continued)

  • By Ian Bradley
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What’s wrong with the scenario outlined in my previous post about taking a medical leave for job stress? Most consequentially, –the protective aspect is simply too appealing.  All too often in my practice I have seen stressed patients go from one doctor to another in search of that all-powerful prescriptive demand:  Time Off Work Due

Stress Leave: current problems and possible solutions

  • By Ian Bradley
  • 3 Tags
Regular readers of my blog know that I have many criticisms about our current approach to workplace disability caused by stress. The problem is enormous and costly.  Recent surveys in Canada reveal that approximately a quarter of the current workforce is either “quite” or “extremely” stressed.  The majority of that stress is related to work.